Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is it dizzy in here, or is it just me?

For four days this past week I was almost completely incapacitated due to an extreme case of vertigo. I have Meniere's Disease, so when I eat too much salt, trouble ensues. When I was flying on a regular basis I had a general idea of what my salt-intake limit was. Being thrown around during turbulence and during take-off and landings while going some 500+ miles an hour really helps you determine those limits. But now that I'm on the ground and my body is a lot more stable, I'm having a hard time figuring it out. Plus, this has only happened to me three times on the ground during the past three years, so it's hard to remember just how much makes me sick. My friend Katie suggested a food journal documenting how much salt I eat throughout the day. The problem with this idea is twofold: 1. I'm unreliable when it comes to these sorts of things. I get really great ideas and follow them through for at least one day. At least. Problem 2. Determining how much salt is in your diet is not an exact science. Well, it is an exact science, if you know exactly how much of everything you are eating and how much salt is in everything you are eating. I'm more of a guesstimator. So today, I think I had about 600mg of salt. But that's just a guess, so I could be way off! I need an app on my phone that will keep track of these things for me. They make them for calories, and such, why not salt? Plus, my phone is total crap. It doesn't do anything good. Except for sudoku and crossword puzzles. And it has three different places for lists so you can make lists anyway you want (and I do love a good list). But other than that, total crap. So I guess I'll keep a guesstimation journal of my salt intake. At least for a couple of days.

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